Cameroon: Opening of the first African Week of Action against the Water Privatisation.

The activities are related stated 11 October, 2021 and will be completed 15 October, 2021. Driven by the Organisations of the African Civil Society and Trade Union Movements.

African Civil Society and Union activists campaign against water privatization. They are orginising the very first Week against Water Privatisation from October 11 to 15, 2021. A virtual international press conference is scheduled for October 13 at 2pm. The rest of the program will consist of meetings with political decision-makers in the region, raising awareness of the dangers of water privatisation through protest marches, social media engagements and public meetings with excluded communities and finally the approval of a position statement by the Our Water Our Right Africa coalition.

Regarding specifically the conference to be held online tomorrow – 13 October, 2021, the participants are activities from Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal and Uganda. Representatives of the American organisation Corporate Accountability, Public Services International (PSI) and a leader of Black Lives Matter, Grassroots, will also take part.

Among the speakers are: Akinbode Oluwafemi of Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA Africa); Dr. Melina Abdullah the Black Lives Matter, Grassroots; Dr. Everline Aketch of PSI; Younoussa Abbosuka of the Africa Center for Advocacy in Cameroon and Senegalese Labour Activist, Oumar BA.

Statements of solidarity are expected from members of the US Congress, Leo Heller, the second special reporter on the human rights of safe drinking water and sanitation, and Professor Sofiri Peterside of the University of Port Harcourt, in Nigeria, among others …. Read More>>>

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